Working for ALL your employees

January 2024
min read

Struggling to know where to start on your corporate Financial Wellbeing strategy? Looking for a re-set in 2024? Well, Prift is the answer.


Misconceptions are rife both at Executive Level and down through organisations that financial stress is only experienced by those on low incomes. This simply is not the case as at every career and life stage, no matter the sums of remuneration involved, financial stress can creep in.

Thankfully HR professionals and increasingly dedicated People & Wellness teams within organisations have spotted this and are beginning to address the issues with a myriad of communications, outreach and in-person programmes but at Prift, we firmly believe that a secure digital platform, personalised to the individual employee, providing a clear and intuitive snapshot of the employee’s financial status that includes: loans, credit cards, current accounts, mortgage, ISAs, investment accounts and even house valuations, extrapolated over the long-term, can be a powerful starting block on which to build your overall Financial Wellbeing programme.  

The benefits of integrating Prift:

  • Talent attraction and retention.
  • Happier, healthier, and more productive employees.
  • Staff feeling valued.
  • Employees viewing the company as a responsible employer.
  • Immediate economic benefits to the company.
  • Immediate savings to be made by the employee on high street goods and services.

At Prift, we believe, and are seeing every day that your entire employee base would benefit from a supportive approach to Financial Wellbeing.  

The Prift Difference...

There are a variety of solutions available in the market today that purport to address the issue of Financial Wellbeing but very few address the employee as an individual and adjust to each employees’ unique financial profile and circumstance.  

At Prift, the solution we offer is driven initially by the employee entering their financial universe and triggering action via Open Banking and increasingly by the advances in Open Finance that will only get better over time as this embeds into financial services more fully.

Once initiated, in real-time, the employee can see an immediate snapshot of their day-to-day expenses and liabilities whilst also seeing projections into the future. Take for example the pensions service on the Prift dashboard: Here we combine both the individuals’ pension(s) with the state pension allowance and extrapolate the data over a lifetime with useful data that shows the effect of additional contributions on retirement age and eventual sums.  

Knowledge is power...

By offering useful personalised financial guidance on the Prift dashboard, the conversation can begin between the employee and their finances. Addressing key financial dates. Looking at spend patterns. Understanding financial terms. Taking control of financial habits. Avoiding burying your head. All of this is prompted and displayed clearly on the Prift dashboard to give employees the knowledge to take control of their financial futures.

Prift integration is simple, quick and easy...

Embedding Prift into your employee benefits proposal is a cinch. No costly technology integrations. No set-up fees. No lengthy lead times. It’s as easy as signing an agreement per employee, sending us their email addresses and simply let the Prift automated system do the rest - the most powerful Financial Wellbeing system in the UK today is ready to use.

What are you waiting for?

For more information please contact us here.

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